Educational Section - Workroom of Fine Arts

The Educational Section and the Workroom of Fine Arts operate in the broader context of the CCA's activities.
The Workroom of Fine Arts were started in the 1996-1997 season.
Starting from the conviction that creative expression is a universal right, the Workshops are addressed to students in primary and secondary education as well as to adults.
Through specially selected programmes designed specifically for each age group, students acquire self-knowledge, discover multiple ways of expression, expand their imagination and get to know the history of art and culture. Moreover, they become acquainted with the cultural heritage of ours and other countries through individual or group projects and various collaborations with cultural institutions from Greece and abroad.
The Educational programme also includes seminars and makes use of the cultural material from the temporary exhibitions hosted at the Contemporary Art Museum of Crete.
The artworks are treated as original educational material in the teaching of art.
In addition to our other activities we have established a regular collaboration between the Workshops and the schools in the jurisdiction of the Primary Education Council of the Prefecture of Rethymnon. Accompanied by their teachers, schoolchildren are able to attend a two-hour programme of aesthetic education (painting and pottery) in the Workshop facilities.