Τhe exhibition - document "The Spirit of the Age" opened οn January 29, Saturday, 2000, at the "L. Kanakakis" Municipal Art Gallery of the Rethymnon Center for Contemporary Art (today Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete- CCA).

The exhibition consisted of a series of about 80 photographs of artworks and events that "speak" about the trends, the moods and the atmosphere in the art world and social environment of the entire 20th century.

Thus, from Marinetti reciting in a futuristic evening, Mayakovsky participating in futuristic performances in the Café Pittoresqueor acting in the film "Not born for money", the models and artworks of the first years of the October revolution, the strong desire to participate of painters, poets, actors and dancers who collectively made art and fought social fights, to the social movements of the Western world and the American society that stood by the people of Vietnam with the "Events" of street artists, the exhibition was developed in 7 sections: Futurism, English Futurism (Vorticism), Russian Futurism, Russian Constructivism, Bauhaus, Surrealism, Dadaism, Body Art, Contemporary Dance and Theatre, Happening and Performance. As part of the exhibition, René Clair's 1924 film “L’ Entr’acte” was screened daily.

The exhibition - Document was organized in the mid ‘70s by the English art critic Charles Spencer and was presented in 1978 in Athens, at the Art Gallery "Desmos".

The entire material belonged to Manos and Epi Pavlidis, founders of the historic Gallery who donated it to the Rethymnon Center for Contemporary Art.

The exhibition "The Spirit of the Age" at the Rethymnon Center for Contemporary Art was curated by Maria Marangou in absolute agreement with the ideas of Charles Spencer.

The exhibition lasted until the end of March. During its presentation, there were guided tours, educational programs and a special seminar held by the Head of the Educational Sector of the Rethymnon Center for Contemporary Art, Maria Choulaki with the cooperation of local schools, on the approach of contemporary movements.