Press Release
The History of the C.C.A. of Crete
through its Communication Material
Art Center & Byzantine Tradition Workshop
Opening: 11 August 2017, Friday, 20:00
82 Ethnikis Antistaseos Str., Rethymnon
The new exhibition of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete titled The History of the Museum through its Communication Material opened to the public on 11 August, Friday (20:00), at the Art Center & Byzantine Tradition Workshop (82 Ethnikis Antistaseos Str.)
The exhibition is organized in the context of events celebrating 25 years since the founding of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete.
The exhibition, retrospective in character, is based on the Museum’s communication material since 1992 – its founding year.
Banners and posters from the previous 25 years are being displayed in the Art Center’s room, inviting the audience to explore, inquiry and stroll through the history that was printed up to this day by the Museum, which always utilized the solid instruments of art.
This journey in this not-so-distant past, as conveyed in the Museum’s communication material and presented in the Venetian Mansion hosting the Art Center, is transformed into history and experience through the eyes of the audience.
The contribution of our long-time colleagues Vaggelis Papiomitoglou (graphic designer) and Nikos Karampasis in creating this material has been invaluable and decisive.
In these 25 years, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete managed to exceed even the most sanguine expectations, bringing together the Greek and occasionally the international art community. It organized international exhibitions, programmes and collaborated with fellow institutions in Greece and abroad, while European and American theorists and artists met with local artists and the Greek academic community in its premises. More specifically, from 1992, the Museum organized approximately 140 monographic and thematic exhibitions and published 60 catalogues.
Opening Hours:
Monday-Friday: 20:00-23:00
Municipality of Rethymnon Community Enterprise
Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete32
Mesologhiou Str., 741 31 Rethymnon
Crete, Greece
Τ: +30 28310 52530, F: +30 28310 52689
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