Medphoto Festival 2017 - 2018

MedPhoto Festival 2017-2018 | Europe: the faces and the territory
22th December 2017 – 10th March 2018

The Contemporary Art Museum of Crete and KOLEKTIV8 organised the exhibition “Critical Archives III: Identities”, curated by Maria Marangou, Pavlos Fysakis, Yorgos Karailias and Dimitris kechris.

The main exhibition of MedPhoto Festival 2017-2018, which took place at the Contemporary Art Museum of Crete, from December 22th, 2017 until March 10th, 2018, looked into the new identities/diversities that are being born within this rapidly transforming European territory and into the potential of a common European identity, if such an identity exists as a potential or has already failed to exist, as Eric Hobsbawm has said.

Critical Archives III: Identities hosted a mosaic of photographic and video projects by photographers from all around the world that depict this procedure of European transformation. The identities constructed within this continent, deeply influenced by the changes in beliefs and practices on the level of gender, interpersonal, social and political relations, as well as a critical understanding of the territory, with all the hues and meanings this entity carries, are the focal points of this exhibition.

The exhibition Critical Archives III: Identities presented a multi-textual project as a collective artistic experiment. The works met within their textuality and their existence through time; the artists met along with their words; technology co-exists with frameless pictures; the image is correlated with the book as a primary frame of reference in photography. All the above are the components of a new, cohesive work, in an attempt to give a new meaning to Walter Benjamin’s words: “History breaks down into images, not into stories”.

Works by: Julián Barón, Lewis Bush, Turi Calafato, Federico Clavarino, Giovanna Del Sarto, Rineke Dijkstra, Gerasimos Domenikos, Petros Efstathiadis, Çağdaş Erdoğan, Thalia Galanopoulou, George Georgiou, Jim Goldberg, Paul Graham, Robin Hammond, Nick Hannes, Jovana Hasimi, Alessandro Imbriaco, Yannis Karpouzis, Demetris Koilalous, Charalambos Kydonakis, Georgios Makkas, Nikos Markou, Mari Masouridou, Davide Monteleone, Simon Norfolk, Stefania Orfanidou, Nikos Pilos, Mark Power, Georges Salameh,  Jérôme Sessini, Kosmas Stathopoulos, Daphne Tolis, Ania Vouloudi.

Official opening: 13th January, 20.00, Contemporary Art Museum of Crete, Mesologhiou 32 (Old Town), Rethymno.