Maria Hatziandreou

Drawings 2008 - 2011

Works of the well - known Rethymnian artist Maria Hajiandreou
Duration: 2nd August - 16th September 2012

Press release

On Wednesday, 1 August 2012 the Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete opened the solo exhibition of drawings by Maria Hatziandreou.

The drawings of Μ. Hatziandreou hover between the illustration to an unwritten novel and a still life. They inhabit a delicate area where the fragile, precarious balances are free to express their beauty without fear.

Like effortless and plausible visual poems, they are all testimonies to the same unspoken philosophy of serenity and universal cohesion.

The artist herself says about the exhibition:
"My aesthetic proposition, my preference for themes that relate to the simple beauty of natural objects and light, becomes a variation of reality in the form of a vision."

Μaria Hatziandreou was born in Rethymnon, Crete. She studied at the Athens School ofFine Arts [1979-1984] under D. Mytaras and P. Tetsis and graduated with distinction. Since 1985 she has presented her work through solo exhibitions and participated in many group and thematic shows inGreeceand abroad.

Her works can be found in many private collections in Greece, London, New York, Paris and Edinburgh.

The exhibition run through September 16, 2012.

At the same time, the ground floor and the first floor of the Museum were hosting two solo exhibitions: “Gate Α” by painter Nikos Alexiou and “Non Profit Line” by sculptor Yorgos Gyparakis.

Also was running is a presentation of a selection of works by the Rethymnian artist Lefteris Kanakakis.