Lily's Rethymnon

Lili Stephanaki - Antoniadi

Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete
Duration: March 17th August  - October 2011

The Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete opens on Wednesday, August 17 at 19:30 the painting exhibition "Lili"s Rethymnon" with works by Lili Stephanaki–Antoniadi.

This is a tribute event organised with the aid of the "Arkadi" Society of Rethymnians in Attica.

The exhibition comprises 70 works (oils, aquarelles, drawings) which span all phases in the artist"s work, from the early years to her latest creations, all of which have her native city as a subject or point of reference.

Her landscapes and views of various locations of the city and the prefecture of Rethymnon are accompanied by a series of portraits under the general title The Rethymnians. The majority of the exhibits come from the painter"s family and particularly her siblings Vangelis Stephanakis and Ioanna Papadoperaki, Antonis & Fofo Stephanakis, as well as from the homes of other Rethymnians who were happy to lend their works for this exhibition which comes as a tribute to the memory of the painter.

Lili Stephanaki–Antoniadi (1938-2010) studied painting under Yannis Moralis and mosaic under Eleni Vaila at the Athens School of Fine Arts (1960–1965). She showed her work in solo and group exhibitions in Greece and abroad, while her mosaics can be seen in public locations in Athens.

Mr Vassilios Papadakis, Deputy Attorney General of the Supreme Court, and Ms Maria Marangou, art historian and art director of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete, will talk about the painter and her work.

The exhibition will remain open until October, 2011.