07/11/2015 - 29/02/2016
Contemporary Art Centre of Thessaloniki
Warehouse B1 – Thessaloniki Port
Press Release
Curator | Dimitris Palaiocrassas and Maria Marangou
NEON’s exhibition ‘Flying over the Abyss’, previously presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete, now tours at the Contemporary Art Centre of Thessaloniki, of the State Museum of Contemporary Art. The exhibition is curated by Dimitris Paleocrassas and Maria Marangou.
The selection of the participating artists, both international and Greek, is influenced by ‘Ascesis: The Saviors of Gods’ (Ασκητική), the spiritual exercises written by the renowned Cretan thinker, Nikos Kazantzakis. The exhibition will establish a creative dialogue among the artists’ works and the essay, tracing the enlightenment of a human life’s pathway, from the time of birth ‘till death. The original manuscript of Ascesis will be on display – a courtesy of The Nikos Kazantzakis Museum – and it is presented in Thessaloniki for the first time.
The exhibition includes works from the following artists: Marina Abramović | Alexis Akrithakis | Matthew Barney | Hans Bellmer | Lynda Benglis | John Bock | Louise Bourgeois | Heidi Bucher | Helen Chadwick | Savvas Christodoulides | Abraham Cruzvillegas | Robert Gober | Asta Gröting | Jim Hodges | Jenny Holzer | Kostas Ioannidis | Mike Kelley | William Kentridge | Martin Kippenberger | Sophia Kosmaoglou | Sherrie Levine | Stathis Logothetis | Ana Mendieta | Maro Michalakakos | Doris Salcedo | Kiki Smith | Costas Tsoclis | Mark Wallinger
Our warmest thanks to the D.Daskalopoulos Collection and Nikos Kazantzakis Museum for their generous loans to the exhibition.