Curator: Maria Marangou
Opening: Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 20:00
Twin Building, Bastion of St Nicholas - Fortezza
On August 2 the Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete opened the exhibition of Cris Gianakos, Spira at the Twin Building in Fortezza.
This was a site specific project, a spiral-shaped work made mainly of stone. Well known from ancient Greek art, the spiral is symbolically linked to the course of life and closely associated with the concept of the Labyrinth, the screw, the spiral galaxy and the molecule of DNA.
Born in New York where he lives, teaches and exhibits but with family roots in Crete, Gianakos draws inspiration from the austere architectural forms of ancient art and the Orthodox church, the dynamism of the geometric line, Constructivism and the Bauhaus. His work —mainly installations with the use of various materials— has been presented in major museums around the world.
His “Spira” project for Rethymnon was a simple application of the complex thinking around the beginning and the end, the perpetual motion of the sun and the moon but also the continuum of art from Minoan and Mycenaean art all the way to the 21st century.
The opening night had the musical accompaniment of a small concert under the title “Love as strong as death” and featuring songs by Manos Hadjidakis, with Yannis Kiayiadakis at the piano and the singers Anna Pantelidaki and Yorgos Kritsotakis.
The exhibition was organised in collaboration with the Rethymnon Ephorate of Antiquities.
We thank GSL Eco-Domi Stagakis for their kind support in terms of construction equipment.
The exhibition run through September 4, 2016.
Admission was free.
Rethymnon Municipal Enterprise (Κ.Ε.ΔΗ.Ρ.)
Messolonghiou 32, 74 100 Rethymnon
Τ: +30 28310 52530, F: +30 28310 52689
E-mail: info@cca.gr • http\\:www.cca.gr