The book “The Manaki Brothers. Pioneers of Balkan Cinema” by Christos Christodoulou was presented on the last day of the exhibition “Painting in the Cinema”.

It is a publication in English of the Organization Cultural Capital of Europe-Thessaloniki 1997.

The book was presented at the Gallery L. Kanakakis and a special tour of the exhibition followed.

The Manaki Brothers: Ioannis (Yiannakis) (1878-1954) and Miltiadis (Miltos) (1882-March 5, 1964) Manakis or Manakias (Јанаки-Yiannakis and Милтон Манаки-Milton Manaki in Slavo- Macedonian, Ianaki and Milto Manaki or Manakia in Aromanian) were the pioneer cinematographers in the Balkans. They were born in Avdella of Grevena on May 1878 and on September 9, 1882 respectively. According to the official page of the Cinema Festival at Monastiri, the Manaki brothers are considered Slavo-Macedonians, while according to Greek sources, such as the Thessaloniki Cinema Museum, the Manaki brothers are considered Greeks of Aromanian extraction. There is an association of Aromanians at Monastiri called “Manaki Brothers”. Source: Wikipedia.