Tribute to Theodoros Terzopoulos, the Greek director of international renown.
Duration: November 28, 2018 - January 25, 2019
Contemporary Art Museum of Crete
22, Messologhiou St., Rethymnon
The Contemporary Art Museum of Crete, in the context of its parallel activities, organized a tribute to the director Theodoros Terzopoulos.
During the tribute, the public had the opportunity to enjoy a selection from theatre productions that the international director entrusted to the CCA.
The material included productions of plays and operas from the biggest theatres in the world, international ancient drama meetings as well as productions of European bourgeois theatre dramas.
These productions established the famous Terzopoulos method, a work system based on the body which is studied today at the Classics Departments of 30 Universities around the world.
The entrance to the public was free.
More information about the productions at: