Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete, Messolonghiou 32, Rethymnon
Educational Sector – Art Workshops, Chimaras 8, Rethymnon

On the occasion of the exhibition The Alpha Bank Collection. Greek art from 1950 until today” at theMuseum of Contemporary Art of Crete, the Educational Section - Workroom of Fine Arts of the Museum offered a museum-education programme on the subject of: “The alphabet of recent Greek art” on Sunday, November 20 at 11.00 – 13.00 on the Museum’s premises (Messolonghiou 32, Rethymnon).

During the programme public discussed the evolution of Greek art in the last seventy years, starting from works by major Greek artists, and engaged in multimodal expression.

The programme was addressed to adults as well as to children accompanied by adults.

The programme was conducted by museum educationist Sophia Trouli.

Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete
Εκπαιδευτικός Τομέας – Εικαστικά Εργαστήρια
Rethymnon Municipal Enterprise (Κ.Ε.ΔΗ.Ρ.)
Chimaras 8, 74 100 Rethymnon
Τ: +30 28310 57353, F: +30 28310 57353
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